Englischer Buchtipp 4/2024: T.C. Boyle: Outside looking in

T. Coraghessan Boyle. Das Licht. - London : Bloomsbury Circus, 2019. - 385 Seiten
Dt. Ausg. u.d.T.: Boyle, T. Coraghessan: Das Licht
ISBN 978-1-5266-0468-2 fest geb. : 19,50 €

(© Bloomsbury Circus)

„A provocative new novel from bestselling author T.C. Boyle exploring the first scientific and recreational forays into LSD and its mind-altering possibilities

In this stirring and insightful novel, T.C. Boyle takes us back to the 1960s and to the early days of a drug whose effects have reverberated widely throughout our culture: LSD.“


Outside looking in is a fiction novel set in the 1960s following the life of a psychology student in Harvard. Fitzhugh Loney, desperate to be in the favor of Timothy Leary, a well-respected Harvard psychologist, takes parts in drug trails with a new psychedelic drug, LSD. However, what starts as seemingly beneficial experiments gradually becomes more questionable as Fitzhugh and other test subjects become more obsessed with LSD and begin to believe that it allows them to see God and expand their minds to unimaginable horizons. As Fitzhugh becomes more enthralled with the drug, he involves his family and puts other aspects of his livelihood at risk for the sake of Timothy´s “research”. Now the only question that remains is whether or not Fitzhugh and his family will be able to part with so-called “revolutionary” drug before they lose everything?


Information on the author: T.C Boyle, born in 1948, is a prolific American author and a Professor for the University of Southern California.

„A provocative new novel from bestselling author T.C. Boyle exploring the first scientific and recreational forays into LSD and its mind-altering possibilities

In this stirring and insightful novel, T.C. Boyle takes us back to the 1960s and to the early days of a drug whose effects have reverberated widely throughout our culture: LSD.“


Outside looking in is a fiction novel set in the 1960s following the life of a psychology student in Harvard. Fitzhugh Loney, desperate to be in the favor of Timothy Leary, a well-respected Harvard psychologist, takes parts in drug trails with a new psychedelic drug, LSD. However, what starts as seemingly beneficial experiments gradually becomes more questionable as Fitzhugh and other test subjects become more obsessed with LSD and begin to believe that it allows them to see God and expand their minds to unimaginable horizons. As Fitzhugh becomes more enthralled with the drug, he involves his family and puts other aspects of his livelihood at risk for the sake of Timothy´s “research”. Now the only question that remains is whether or not Fitzhugh and his family will be able to part with so-called “revolutionary” drug before they lose everything?


Information on the author: T.C Boyle, born in 1948, is a prolific American author and a Professor for the University of Southern California.


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